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21+ Years of Helping Researchers Get Published
21+ Years of Helping Researchers Get Published
From soil to space, our team of subject experts help finalize your manuscript to get published in high-impact journals
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Including 40+ Journals & Publishers, 500+ Universities and 1,100 Societies

A global team of 800 experts covering 1600+ subject areas

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Working on a strict deadline? Get your documents edited in as fast as 8 hours

Editage is a long-term polishing platform used by my research team. Although I feel that my English is good and I have published many SCI papers without polishing, I still lack confidence when submitting manuscripts to high-level journals, especially because the research involves a lot of bioinformatics content, and the English expression is ....Read More

Wang Liang

Research Field: Malignant Tumors of Lymphoid and Hematopoietic System

Beijing Tongren Hospital
Affiliated to Capital Medical University


xpert polishing is very responsible, not only correcting grammar and expressions, but also telling you why certain usages are wrong and how idiomatic expressions should

Bottlebrush polymers: From controlled synthesis, self-assembly, properties to applications

Ye Jun (Associate Researcher)
Research Field: Using two-dimensional polymer optoelectronic materials

Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College

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If you are not satisfied with our quality, we will refund your entire editing fees. No questions asked.

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If we miss our deadline by even a minute, we offer a full refund.

Enhanced Data Security

We use ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified security systems.

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Get every question about your assignment answered by the experts who worked on your manuscript.

Our process to help you get published

Place an

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Our technology
kicks in

And matches your paper to the right expert based on your research topic and preferences

2 Experts get
on the job

All assignments undergo at least 2-step revisions for high quality delivery

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Review our work, ask questions, and collaborate

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Medicine Sciences

200+ Subjects
800+ Experts
470,000+ Papers

Life Sciences

100+ Subjects
800+ Experts
280,000+ Papers

Physical Engineering

250+ Subjects
1000+ Experts
420,000 Papers

Social Sciences

800+ Subjects
1000+ Experts
300,000 Papers

Business & Economics

100+ Subjects
1000+ Experts
75,000 Papers

Researchers have used
Editage to publish in
35,000+ journals

Do you want to get published in top journals?

12000 Manuscripts Edited in 30 Days – Trust us for Professional Editing!

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Editage do?

Editage Author Services is a professional editing, translation, and publication support services company that enables academicians, researchers, scientists, and authors worldwide to publish their work in the best light. Over the past two decades, Editage has helped 500,000+ researchers across 192+ countries to pursue successful publications. The goal is to help researchers improve the quality of their research and increase their chances of publication in international indexed journals.

Which subject areas are covered under Editage’s author services?

More than 1600 subject areas are covered under Editage’s author services including but not limited to Medical Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Engineering, Social Sciences, and Business and Economics. A dynamic pool of highly experienced editors, Ph.D. subject matter experts, and top-journal peer reviewers across disciplines exercise their knowledge and expertise to provide tailored support and guidance to authors in their respective subject areas.

What background and specializations do Editage editors have?

Most editors at Editage are experienced authors themselves or are Masters, MDs, and PhDs from internationally reputed institutions and universities across disciplines. Every editor passes a stringent selection criterion based on the calibre of their writing in addition to being native English speakers with significant research, publishing, and/or teaching experience in their subject.

How is Editage’s editing service different from other such services?

Editage’s editing service has been the preferred choice of researchers, scientists, academic institutions, international societies, and journal publications over the past two decades for several reasons.
Quality: A strict 10-point matching system matches your requirements to the best suited subject matter experts who is allocated with the responsibility of meeting the highest standards of publication and scientific accuracy.
Control: Your work, your control! Our transparent communication and highly strategic operations enable us to offer you with complete control of your delivery plan, price, expert, deadline, and style. Our 97% customer-satisfaction-rate is a testament to the quality and control that we offer.
Innovation: A dedicated global R&D team constantly upgrades our info-base, systems, and latest industry innovations to provide with the best up-to-date services for publication in globally indexed journals.

How much do Editage’s editing services cost?

Editage’s editing services are priced fairly based on the features and benefits of each service pack. Several factors including the type of service required, the word count of the manuscript to be submitted, the requested turnaround time, and the add-ons selected contribute to the final pricing of the selected editing service which is revealed at the beginning of the submission process to avoid any miscommunication and offer complete transparency to each user.

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